Leukocytosis is an increase in white blood cells (leukocytes) above the normal value. Normal values differ leukocytes in infants, children and adults. Leukocytosis can be caused by infection, inflammation (inflammation), allergic reactions, malignancy, and others.
In children, leucocytosis mostly due to bacterial infection, but can also be caused by viral infection. To determine whether bacterial or viral infection remains based on clinical children.
How to Calculate Type Leukocytes
Calculate the type of leukocytes (differential count) is the value of the components that make up cells and white blood cells. Thus, white blood cells actually consists of several types of cells that basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. Increased leukocyte often accompanied by an increase of one or more components of the cell. Knowing the type of white blood cell component which increases to help determine the cause of leukocytosis.
Causes of leukocytosis Based on Count
1. Neutrofilia
Neutrofilia is the neutrophil count rises above the normal value. Neutrofilia mostly caused by bacterial infection. In addition, neutrofilia can be caused by inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis (Kawasaki syndrome), malignancy, corticosteroids, and splenectomy.
2. Lymphocytosis
Lymphocytosis is the number of lymphocytes increases beyond the normal value. Viral infections usually cause lymphocytosis.
3. Monositosis
Monositosis is the number of monocytes increases beyond the normal value. Monositosis can be caused by bacterial infections (tuberculosis, bakerialis subacute endocarditis, brucellosis), viral infections (mononucleosis), syphilis, protozoan infections, rickets infection, malignancy, sarcoidosis, and autoimmune.
4. Basofilia
Basofilia is the number of basophils increased beyond normal. Basofilia can be caused by malignancy.
5. Eosinophilia
Eosinophilia is the number of eosinophils increased beyond normal. Eosinophilia can be caused by allergies, hypersensitivity to the drug, parasitic infections, viral infections, malignancies, and skin disorders.
In general, laboratory tests are a tool for diagnosis. Interpretation of laboratory results must consider the patient's clinical condition. Similarly with leukocytosis. To determine whether caused by bacterial or viral infection, should assess the patient's clinical. Discuss with your doctor to find out the cause of leukocytosis.
Source: From Various Source