May 12, 2011

Adenoma Can Grow in Many Organs

Adenoma is a benign tumor from the gland. Adenoma may grow of many organs including the colon, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid, etc. Although this growth is benign, from time to time they can develop into a vicious (adenocarsinoma). Even while benign, they have the potential to cause serious health complications with compacting of other structures and by producing large amounts of hormones in a regulated non-feedback-dependent (paraneoplastic syndrome). Adenoma can be anywhere e.g. in:
This is a tumor most often small and without symptoms, and comes from the tubules of the kidney. This may be a precursor lesion to renal carcinoma.
Adrenal adenoma is common, and often found in the stomach, usually not as the focus of the investigation, they are usually incidental findings. About one in 10,000 is malignant. So, a biopsy is rarely called for, especially if the lesion is homogeneous and smaller than 3 cm. follow-up of images in three to six months can confirm the stability of growth.
While some adrenal adenoma issued hormones not at all, often some cortisol release, causing Cushing's syndrome, also causing the syndrome Conn, or androgens cause hiperandrogenisme.
The large intestine
Adenomas of the large intestine are quite prevalent. They are found commonly at colonoscopy. They were expelled because of their tendency to become malignant and cause colon cancer.
Glands of hyacinth
About one out of 10 people found to have solitary thyroid nodules. Investigation is needed because a small percentage of this ferocious. Biopsy usually confirms the growth is adenoma, but, sometimes, excision at surgery was necessary, especially when the cells are found in the biopsy is type follicular.
Gland in the brain
Pituitary adenoma is typically seen in 10% of neurological patients. Many of them remain undiagnosed. Treatment is usually surgery, patients generally respond well. The most common subtype, prolactinoma, is seen more often in women, and frequently diagnosed during pregnancy as the hormone progesterone increases its growth. Medical Therapy bromocriptine generally suppresses Prolactinoma; progesterone antagonist therapy has not proved successful.
Hepatocellular adenoma, liver adenoma is benign tumors are rarely the heart, which can present with hepatomegally or other symptoms.
The Breast
Adenoma of breast fibroadenoma is called. They are often very small and difficult to detect. Often no symptoms. Treatment may include biopsy needles, and/or deletion.
Adenoma may also appear in the Appendix. This condition is very rare, and most doctors will never find an actual case, but they happen. The most common version is called Cyst adenoma. They are usually found in the process of examination network following appendectomy. When an appendix bursts and the tumor is present, this presents a challenge, especially if malignant cells have formed and thus spread to the abdomen.
Bronchial Passages
An adenoma bronchial passage is adenoma in the respiratory tract. Can cause the syndrome karsinoid, type of paraneoplastic syndrome.