May 14, 2011

Tumor in Meningen (Meningoma)

Meningioma is the tumor in meningen which is the protective membrane protects the brain and medulla spinalis. Meningioma can arise at any place in the brain or medulla spinalis, generally occurs in the hemisphere of the brain in all lobus. Meningioma originating from the leptomening typically developing benign. The Tumor is more often found in women usually appears at the age of 40-60 years but did not occur during the children or in old age. Meningioma is benign (benign) and 10% are malignant. Malignant Meningioma can occur in women and men, meningioma benign more occur in women.

The experts cannot be sure what causes tumor meningioma, however several theories that have been researched, agreeing that the chromosome that is ugly
cause incidence of meningioma. Between 40% and 80% of the chromosome 22 meningiomas contains abnormal

The experts aren't sure what causes tumor meningioma, however some theories
Has been researched and most agree that it causes from ugly chromosome incidence of meningioma. Because between 40% and 80% of the chromosome 22 meningiomas contains abnormal

Meningioma is the fifth of primary intracranial tumors.
Grow slowly and are of granulation arakhnoid.
Located in the largest concentration of about sinus vein, but also related to surface venous branches. Therefore it can grow in all areas of meningeal. And sometimes multiple.
Tumor regions parasagital/falsin took about 24%, convecsity 6%, plot olfaktori 10%, supraseller 10%, the wings of sfenoid 18%, 3% tentorial, fossa posterior 8%. The rest arise in fossa media, orbital roof, and the lateral ventricle. Various types of histological; sinsitial, administrator, fibroblastik and angioblastik; different types can be performed on the same tumor. That means a small distinction, although it is important to know the ioperisitk of variant hemang angioblastik as well as types of malignant hypertension, it often shows the rapid growth and high levels of rekurensi after the Rapture

Photos plain skull: sign of exaltation of the old, whom erosion TIK processus posterior klinoid. Hiperostosis bone, sometimes appear a sunray effect of spikula radier. Found calsificated at 15 percent of cases. Groove meningeal media widens.
CT scan: Without contrast, meningioma looks shoreless firmly, the density is usually higher or equal to the surrounding brain areas of low density are surrounded (edema). May appear calsifikasi.By contrast; appear to be a homogeneous density of reinforcement.
Angiography: Typical show lesions are very vascular tumor that is typical with blush. Angiography gives important information such as the location of the pra-surgery, the main supply vessels as in the sfenoid wing meningioma in which may surround and arteria carotid.
internal.Cardiac selective as well as external carotid embolization supply vessels can reduce vaskularitas tumors and reduce the risk of surgery for bleeding.

May 12, 2011

Disease Of Acute Leukemia (Blood Cancer)

Leukemia generally appear in person since the early formative years, bone marrow without known clearly the cause has been producing white blood cells that evolved is not normal or abnormal. Normally, the white blood cells repeated reproduction me-when the body needs it or is there a place for its own blood cells. The human body will give the sign/signal on a regular basis when blood cells expected to be-reproduction of the back. In the case of Leukemia (blood cancer), white blood cells do not respond to a sign/signal is given. Finally the production of excessive uncontrolled (abnormal) will be out of the bone marrow and can be found in the peripheral blood or of blood banks. The number of white blood cells are abnormal when excessive can interfere with normal cell function, Someone with such a condition (Leukemia) will show some symptoms such as; easily exposed to infectious diseases, anemia and bleeding.
Leukemia (blood cancer) is a type of cancer that attacks white blood cells produced by the bone marrow (bone marrow). Marrow bones or bone marrow in the human body produces three types of blood cells are white blood cells (serves as the durability of the body against infections), red blood cells (function brings oxygen into the body) and platelets (the small blood cells that help the process of blood clotting).
Leukemia, Acute and chronic diseases
Acute Leukemia is marked with a journey of a disease that is very fast, deadly, and deteriorated. If it is not immediately treated, it can cause death in a matter of weeks to the day. While chronic leukemia disease that does not have travel so fast that have longer life expectancy, to more than 1 year.
Leukemia is classified based on the type of cell
When the inspection noted that leukemia affecting lymphocytes or cells of lymphoid cells, then called lymphoblastic leukemia. While the leukemia that affect mieloid cells such as neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils, called leukemia mielositik.

From this classification, the Leukemia is divided into four type designation;
1. Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (LLA). It is the most common type of leukemia in children. The disease is also present on the mature adult has mainly 65 years or more.
2. Acute mielositik Leukemia (LMA). This is more common in adults than children. This type was called acute nonlimfositik leukemia.
3. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (LLK). This is often suffered by adults aged over 55 years. Sometimes also suffered by young adults, and almost none in children.
4. Chronic mielositik Leukemia (LMK) often occur in adults. It can also occur in children, but very little.
The Cause Of The Disease Leukemia
Until now the cause of the disease leukemia is not yet known for sure, but there are some factors that affect the frequency of occurrence of leukemia is suspected.
1. Radiation. It is supported by some reports of some research that deal with cases of Leukemia that employees more frequently suffer from leukemia, radiology, Patient with radiotherapy more often suffer from leukemia, Leukemia was found on the victim's life events of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

2. Leukemogenik. Some chemicals are reported have been identified can affect the frequency of leukemia, such as environmental toxins such as benzene, chemicals industry such as insecticides, drugs used for chemotherapy.

3. Hereditary. People with Down Syndrom have the incidence of acute leukemia 20 times greater than normal people.

4. Virus. Some types of viruses can cause leukemia, such as retroviruses, feline leukemia virus, HTLV-1 on the adult.
Signs and symptoms of the disease Leukemia
Symptoms of Leukemia posed generally differ among sufferers; however in General can be described as follows:
1. Anemia. Sufferers will appeared quickly tired, pale and breathing fast (red blood cells under normal cause oxygen in the body less, as a result the patient breathe rapidly as compensation the fulfillment of the lack of oxygen in the body).

2. Bleeding. When the platelets (cold cell blood) are not producing with reasonable because it is dominated by white blood cells, the sufferer may experience bleeding skin tissue (large water Wiggler red width/small skin tissue).

3. Free from infection. White blood cells act as protector of the durability of the body, especially against infectious diseases. In Leukemia Sufferers, white blood cells that produce are not normal (abnormal) so that it does not function properly. As a result of the body exposed to the virus infection sufferers vulnerable/bacteria, even by itself will dazzle complaints of fever, out of white liquid (runny) nose and coughing.
4. Pain in bones and Joints. This is caused as a result of the bone marrow (bone marrow) urgent solid by white blood cells.
5. Pain in the stomach. Abdominal pain as well

Adenoma Can Grow in Many Organs

Adenoma is a benign tumor from the gland. Adenoma may grow of many organs including the colon, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid, etc. Although this growth is benign, from time to time they can develop into a vicious (adenocarsinoma). Even while benign, they have the potential to cause serious health complications with compacting of other structures and by producing large amounts of hormones in a regulated non-feedback-dependent (paraneoplastic syndrome). Adenoma can be anywhere e.g. in:
This is a tumor most often small and without symptoms, and comes from the tubules of the kidney. This may be a precursor lesion to renal carcinoma.
Adrenal adenoma is common, and often found in the stomach, usually not as the focus of the investigation, they are usually incidental findings. About one in 10,000 is malignant. So, a biopsy is rarely called for, especially if the lesion is homogeneous and smaller than 3 cm. follow-up of images in three to six months can confirm the stability of growth.
While some adrenal adenoma issued hormones not at all, often some cortisol release, causing Cushing's syndrome, also causing the syndrome Conn, or androgens cause hiperandrogenisme.
The large intestine
Adenomas of the large intestine are quite prevalent. They are found commonly at colonoscopy. They were expelled because of their tendency to become malignant and cause colon cancer.
Glands of hyacinth
About one out of 10 people found to have solitary thyroid nodules. Investigation is needed because a small percentage of this ferocious. Biopsy usually confirms the growth is adenoma, but, sometimes, excision at surgery was necessary, especially when the cells are found in the biopsy is type follicular.
Gland in the brain
Pituitary adenoma is typically seen in 10% of neurological patients. Many of them remain undiagnosed. Treatment is usually surgery, patients generally respond well. The most common subtype, prolactinoma, is seen more often in women, and frequently diagnosed during pregnancy as the hormone progesterone increases its growth. Medical Therapy bromocriptine generally suppresses Prolactinoma; progesterone antagonist therapy has not proved successful.
Hepatocellular adenoma, liver adenoma is benign tumors are rarely the heart, which can present with hepatomegally or other symptoms.
The Breast
Adenoma of breast fibroadenoma is called. They are often very small and difficult to detect. Often no symptoms. Treatment may include biopsy needles, and/or deletion.
Adenoma may also appear in the Appendix. This condition is very rare, and most doctors will never find an actual case, but they happen. The most common version is called Cyst adenoma. They are usually found in the process of examination network following appendectomy. When an appendix bursts and the tumor is present, this presents a challenge, especially if malignant cells have formed and thus spread to the abdomen.
Bronchial Passages
An adenoma bronchial passage is adenoma in the respiratory tract. Can cause the syndrome karsinoid, type of paraneoplastic syndrome.

May 11, 2011

The Causes Of Pancreatic Cancer

Although rarely can be explained why someone got cancer of the pancreas and others do not, it is clear that the disease is not contagious. No one can "capture" of cancer than others.

Although the scientists-scientists don't know exactly what causes pancreatic cancer, they learn that there is something that increase the chance of someone getting this disease. Smoking is a major risk factor. Research shows that smokers-smokers develop cancer of the pancreas two to three times more often than not a smoker. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and a number of other diseases.
Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms

Pancreatic Cancer has been called a "silent" disease because early pancreatic cancer usually does not cause symptoms. If a tumor blocking the bile duct (common bile duct) and bile cannot enter into the digestive system, skin and white eyes may be yellow, and urine may become darker. This condition is called jaundice.

When the cancer grows and spreads, the abdominal pain often develops on the top and occasionally spread to the rear (back). Pain/pain may worsen after someone eats or lying down. Cancer of the pancreas can also cause nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakness.

A rare type of cancer of the pancreas, called cancer cells very small island (islet cell cancer), started on the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin and other hormones. Islet cells are also called islets of Langerhans. Islet cell cancer can cause the pancreas producing too much insulin or hormones. When this happens, the patient may feel faint or dizzy/lightheaded and probably freezing (shivering), the convulsions of muscles, or diarrhea.

These symptoms may be caused by cancer or by issues of other less serious. If an individual has symptoms, a doctor should be consulted.