May 14, 2011

Tumor in Meningen (Meningoma)

Meningioma is the tumor in meningen which is the protective membrane protects the brain and medulla spinalis. Meningioma can arise at any place in the brain or medulla spinalis, generally occurs in the hemisphere of the brain in all lobus. Meningioma originating from the leptomening typically developing benign. The Tumor is more often found in women usually appears at the age of 40-60 years but did not occur during the children or in old age. Meningioma is benign (benign) and 10% are malignant. Malignant Meningioma can occur in women and men, meningioma benign more occur in women.

The experts cannot be sure what causes tumor meningioma, however several theories that have been researched, agreeing that the chromosome that is ugly
cause incidence of meningioma. Between 40% and 80% of the chromosome 22 meningiomas contains abnormal

The experts aren't sure what causes tumor meningioma, however some theories
Has been researched and most agree that it causes from ugly chromosome incidence of meningioma. Because between 40% and 80% of the chromosome 22 meningiomas contains abnormal

Meningioma is the fifth of primary intracranial tumors.
Grow slowly and are of granulation arakhnoid.
Located in the largest concentration of about sinus vein, but also related to surface venous branches. Therefore it can grow in all areas of meningeal. And sometimes multiple.
Tumor regions parasagital/falsin took about 24%, convecsity 6%, plot olfaktori 10%, supraseller 10%, the wings of sfenoid 18%, 3% tentorial, fossa posterior 8%. The rest arise in fossa media, orbital roof, and the lateral ventricle. Various types of histological; sinsitial, administrator, fibroblastik and angioblastik; different types can be performed on the same tumor. That means a small distinction, although it is important to know the ioperisitk of variant hemang angioblastik as well as types of malignant hypertension, it often shows the rapid growth and high levels of rekurensi after the Rapture

Photos plain skull: sign of exaltation of the old, whom erosion TIK processus posterior klinoid. Hiperostosis bone, sometimes appear a sunray effect of spikula radier. Found calsificated at 15 percent of cases. Groove meningeal media widens.
CT scan: Without contrast, meningioma looks shoreless firmly, the density is usually higher or equal to the surrounding brain areas of low density are surrounded (edema). May appear calsifikasi.By contrast; appear to be a homogeneous density of reinforcement.
Angiography: Typical show lesions are very vascular tumor that is typical with blush. Angiography gives important information such as the location of the pra-surgery, the main supply vessels as in the sfenoid wing meningioma in which may surround and arteria carotid.
internal.Cardiac selective as well as external carotid embolization supply vessels can reduce vaskularitas tumors and reduce the risk of surgery for bleeding.