Jan 11, 2011

Reviewing Pathophysiology Leukemia

The cause of most of the leukemia is still not known. In General, cancer usually caused by damage to DNA causes the growth or uncontrolled division and spread throughout the body and disrupt the body's chemical growth signals.

The existence of this cancer can damage the formation of fusion genes and dysregulation of proto-oncogene by juxtaposing it causes the other promoters of genes, such as T-cell receptor genes. This damage can be caused by environmental factors such as chemicals, drugs or radiation.

However, all associated with exposure to radiation and chemicals in animals and humans. The relationship between radiation and leukemia in humans has been clearly defined in the study of victims of the Chernobyl reactor and nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In animals, exposure to benzene and other chemicals can cause leukemia. Epidemiological studies have leukemia associated with exposure to chemicals, but these studies are not convincing. Some evidence suggests that secondary leukemia can be cured in people who are for other types of cancer with radiation and chemotherapy as a result of the treatment to be developed.