Jan 12, 2011

Tues Causes of Leukemia Cancer

For Chronic Leukemia
The disease is characterized by a significant increase in white blood cells (leukocytes) in blood (leucocytosis called). In addition, there is also a collection of leukemia cells in other organs, especially in the bone marrow and spleen. There are various types of white blood cells with different functions. Depending on the type of cell is concerned, two forms of chronic leukemia can be distinguished: the lymphoid and myeloid leukemia.

Basic causes of chronic leukemia leukocytes primarily excessive living. Leukemia cells to forget their natural death. Each cell in the body have a certain natural lifespan that can be expanded in the day. After his death, he will be replaced by new cells. This is the body's balance between birth and death of cells. This process is similar to our life with our adult and learn "function" is to fulfill the condition for aging and dying. If we can keep a child, we were immortal, but can "we" function can not be reached.

Thus, in chronic leukemia to the "accumulation of disease" almost immortal cells. In cells, immortality is the dream of some reality, but with the effect that the rest of the body are damaged and destroyed. By treating leukemia cells should be reminded that they must die.

The word "chronic" has been developing slowly and leisurely progress of the disease out.

What causes chronic leukemia?

The root causes of the emergence of genetic changes is the parent cell. This is a young precursor cells from which all blood cells develop.
What affects these genetic changes cause is largely unknown. Major role in chronic lymphocytic leukemia is the age. The older we are, the higher the probability for the emergence of genetic defects.
Possible causes are exposure to radiation, viral infection of stem cells or exposed to chemicals like benzene and dioxin.

How do chronic leukemia itself?

Even the name of the disease as "chronic" expresses the fact that develops silently and slowly growing. The development is very slow, the patient may be familiar with the symptoms.

The main cause of many symptoms is of leukemia cells in bone marrow with resultant displacement normal hematopoiesis (red bone marrow occurred). This causes the decrease in red blood cells (anemia), platelets (blood clotting) and normal white blood cells.

Transportation of oxygen is reduced in anemia results in fatigue. Decrease in blood platelets, an important component of blood clotting (to protect our body from blood loss in case of injury) with bleeding tendency associated with the incidence of spontaneous bruising or without a nose bleed often cause mechanical. The lack of normal white blood cells cause susceptibility to infection.

Accumulation of leukemia cells in other organs causing symptoms such as:

General symptoms: very like usual, the most common temperature rise were found between 37-38 degrees Celsius, weight loss and night sweats caused by the substance, the leukemia cells produced by.
Vulnerability to infection: lack of functional leukocytes in lymphatic leukemia and additions by a decrease in antibody production. In particular, patients are at risk of viral and fungal infections. The infection is atypical is a common cause of death.

How is the diagnosis made?

Symptoms that as usual, especially in early disease and often patients are also free of symptoms and the disease is found incidentally by one:

This shows the increase in leukocytes, lymphocytes or myeloid granulocytes. The leukocytosis (more than 10,000 white blood cells per mm 3 blood) is a prominent symptom. (It should be noted here that, however, so far (> 90%) the most common causes of infection were leucocytosis a).
Analysis of lymphocyte surface (immunophenotyping) can distinguish between normal and malignant, because they are slightly different surface structures. This is just a blood test is required.
The bone marrow biopsy is needed to confirm diagnosis and level of accumulation of leukemia cells in bone marrow determine.
Molecular genetics and cytogenetics studies provide evidence that specific genetic changes in leukemia cells.

Treatment of chronic leukemia

It is important to distinguish between lymphoid and myeloid leukemia session is a function of disease stage, age, complications and do not forget that there is patient preference. In particular, there is a possibility that the disease remained stable for many years and often no need for treatment.

As a result, many patients feel insecure, do not start treatment if the physician. It has to be individualized for each patient, the benefits and risks of side effects of therapy must be weighed.