Mar 14, 2011

Nutrition Guidelines For People With Cancer

Nutritional needs of nutrition therapy with cancer is very individual and varied from time to time during the illness as well as hanging from the therapy on the run. The need of energy and protein with cancer there is no deal.

In general it is recommended the need calories recommended 25 – 35 CAL/kg/day, protein 1 – 1.5 gr/kg W. Vitamin supplementation as required especially for those who cannot consume with balanced nutrition. Ways of giving:

Through the mouth/oral is Granting through per oral in the most preferred. However, in a cancer sufferer experiencing anorexia and changes flavor soy sauce then feeding per oral became a problem and need to get special attention.

How to overcome some problems eating in per oral:

In people with impaired sense of soy sauce: food processing should give much better flavor, and presented with a form and good aroma.

Patients with impaired swallowing: food is given in the form of easily ingested for example plus soup, provided with the software, the packed chopped/ground/filtered. The taste of the food and presentation must be in accordance with the tastes of the patient.

Sufferers with aphthous ulcer: consistency of food should be soft to easily swallowed, avoid the food too hot, spiced sharp, too acidic.

Presentation of food should be able to resurrect talking lust meal. In General talking lust eat better mornings.

Food is given a little bit but often. How this proven results in most patients because of the amount can be fulfilled in a manner not incriminating.

With as good as his high in calories and protein.

Internal nutrition through pipes When granting/food through the mouth can not be received/not adequate then consider giving of food by other means.

On the channel functions with cancer with still better then food indigestion in Provide through pipes. The pipe through the nose is most commonly used because it is easier.

In addition the pipeline can also source is in the stomach and intestine depending on the location of the tumor.

The selection formula is the same as the sufferer not cancer.

Parenteral nutrition. Administering parenteral nutrition had a risk but the under certain circumstances this way need to be considered. For example in cancer patients with impaired function of the operating channel of indigestion, cutting a wide or colon obstruction. In Patients with nutrition parenteral these need to be monitored closely because in addition to expensive also side effects of these nutrients. Monitoring the evaluation should be performed routinely and regularly through the change of the status of the medical, nutritional status and examination lab. If there is a change in not one result then planning nutrition must adjusted, adjustments can be either a change in the choice of food, feeding time, the composition of the nutrient and feeding.