Cancer lever or liver cancer (most typically in the form of hepatocellular carsinoma) is a cancer that is very difficult to treat, as it usually does not manifest the symptoms when the stadium was, so it is difficult to handle.
Common early symptoms experienced by patients with liver cancer are:
1. vomiting, stomach toned, feels nauseous is part of the symptoms will arise. However the indicator of the severity of these symptoms are not. Maybe later the stomach will be big than before, there is the possibility of defecation blood or vomit blood when hypertensive heart. To determine the already severe or not might be a bit of a holding of the level of the stadium development.
2. the function of the heart decreases.
3. liver cancer is cancer that doesn't respond positively chemotherapy. So indeed when it has reached an advanced stage, the expectation is small enough.
4. When you are on stage 4, hope may be almost nothing ...
Just follow all the advice of your doctor, because usually the doctor already gave and trying their best to cure you. The doctor will usually say the real thing, not a pseudo hope in vain.
5. Stage 4 is the last stage of terminal.
When your family is at an advanced stage of cancer:
If only family members who suffer so we have, or if You've seen how the weight of her suffering, if only You never heard of crying or even his scream, I believe you're not going to let her heart.
But surely not enough to just feel poor, without doing anything. Let us do something to help our brothers and sisters who suffer from it. Let us give light unto our brethren who have fallen into darkness full of passion. Let us do something to restore the faith of our brothers who have shock or even lost due to heavy pain.
But what will we do? In such circumstances it is merely a palliative care can be done in a humane, realistic, and rational. Is Palliative Care?
Palliative care is integrated care system that improves the quality of life, to alleviate pain and suffering of others, provide spiritual support and psychosocial began when the diagnosis is made until the end of life, and support for families who feel lost. So give your support and prayers to the patient.