The liver is an important organ in our body. Liver useful to filter toxins that enter the body.
Your heart weight ranged from 1.5 kilograms, the liver is the largest organ in your body. The liver is the busiest organ in your body, tasked with various functions. Located in the abdomen liver protected right to ribs.
Liver cancer occurs when liver cells proliferate rapidly. These cells attack healthy organs in the same location or in the vicinity. Cancer cells rapidly spread beyond the location and form new tumors, which is currently known as metastasis.
In cancer statistics said that Southeast Asia and Africa was ranked the highest in this liver cancer.
In Western countries, liver cancer is rare. Men are more often exposed to liver cancer than women.
Usually the cause of liver cancer are chronic hepatitis (primarily type B and C) use of alcohol that causes liver injury and liver shrinkage. That is why we often have blood test to determine liver cirrhosis as early as possible for liver cancer can be overcome and no longer the deadly disease. People affected by liver cancer can be transmitted to subsequent generations. Be careful to take care of her family, saliva liver cancer can be contagious. Get used to wear masks or protective enough. Separate eating utensils and bathroom to anticipate the transmission of this disease.
There are two types of liver cancer, primary and secondary.
Primary liver cancer (can be interpreted as a tumor), tumor starts from the heart. Hepatocellular cancer (HCC abbreviated) is the most common form of primary liver cancer. HCC derived from hepatocytes. They include cholangiocarcinoma, a cancer that arises from bile ducts in the liver and hepatoblastoma, which occurs in children, and gallbladder cancer.
Secondary liver cancer means the cancer started elsewhere and spread (metastasised) to the liver. In secondary liver cancer, patients do not have a "liver cancer" technically. Patients with metastases to the liver actually experiencing them.