Today many people are debating the causes of the disease mesothelioma. There are said that smoking can cause mesothelioma but asbestos is still remains the main suspect. Asbestos is a fibrous mineral group in a structure. Many use as building material because of its ability to withstand fire, asbestos is now banned in many countries around the world but the very lack of information and socialization to the community. Very different from other cancers such as cervix, breast, colon, liver and other cancers
There are three types of asbestos cause mesothelioma cancer:
Blue Asbestos - Asbestos is most dangerous than other asbestos. Lung destroyer.
Asbestos Brown - very dangerous, many of the mines in Africa.
White asbestos - One of the most widely used asbestos, especially in manufacturing and production.
You will not know if you suffer from mesothelioma until twenty or thirty years ahead and you do not see any symptoms, making it difficult to cause mesothelioma very in detection. You just realize after a few decades later, when the damage has been done by this asbestos.
Exposure to asbestos is one part of the cause of asbestosis and mesothelioma cancer. When asbestos get into your lungs, trapped in a layer of mesothelium. Because the texture of a fibrous material, it becomes difficult to drive out and move in the lungs, causing damage to the lungs can not be repaired. This damage causes scarring in the lungs, which makes people with mesothelioma it difficult to breathe. The lungs become completely dry.
So many people realize how dangerous asbestos and when they work or use it, they become the first person who got mesothelioma. If you work under exposure to asbestos protect your body, bath and change your clothes after you back to your home. Because people who are around you (your family) is the next target of the mesothelioma disease.