Disease mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium) visible symptoms after exposure to asbestos for several years. Mesothelioma symptoms are not very visible because it is similar to other cancers. But you still can watch and be patient diagnosed with a disease mesothelioma after seen by CT scan, x-ray, MRI, and biopsy performed in patients so the disease can be confirmed. And after diagnosis, the doctor will then determine how far the cancer has spread and how much can handle it.
Early symptoms usually appear frequently are:
Stomach ache
Changes in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea)
Coughing blood
Difficulty breathing
The fluid buildup between the chest wall and lungs
Bumps under the skin
Night sweats
Feature of developing pleural mesothelioma in the pleura, or lining of the lungs. This is the most common form of mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma symptoms are chest pain, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, coughing up blood and night sweats.
Characteristic of pericardial mesothelioma is found in tissues around the heart. This is one of the most rare type of mesothelioma, was discovered at about 5% of mesothelioma cases. The symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are chest pain, irregular heartbeat, fever and difficulty breathing.
Feature of peritoneal mesothelioma occur in the peritoneum, or lining of the stomach. Symptoms include weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal swelling, abdominal pain and clot formation in the stomach tissue.
Feature testicular mesothelioma, or mesothelioma of Tunica vaginalis testis develops in the surrounding tissue. Symptoms of this type of mesothelioma is a mass in the testis. Since this type of mesothelioma is the most rare type of cancer, information about these symptoms is very limited.
People who suffer from mesothelioma should consider contacting an experienced mesothelioma lawyer. Companies in the asbestos industry knew about the deadly dangers of asbestos but did not disclose to their workers just to maintain profitability. Sometimes companies do not provide protective equipment that can prevent exposure to asbestos when asbestos is very dangerous.