Currently many talked about nuclear radiation in Japan. The impact of radiation according to Dr. David j. Brenner, Director of the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University, there are direct. "Get several weeks then new show symptoms," he said.
He mentioned the impact of radiation on the body depending on radioactive material is released and the duration of exposure. High Level exposure can cause acute radiation syndrome, even death. The syndrome is caused symptoms of nausea, vomiting, fatigue, hair loss, as well as diarrhea.
At higher levels, the victim who exposed could died within a matter of weeks. "The cause is intestinal burnt," he said.
Nuclear radiation will interfere with the ability of cells to divide and produce. The cells in the colon is usually a part of the body that most fast splitting. Likewise is the case with blood cells in the bone sumsung Shaper that very susceptible exposed to radiation.
Meanwhile in the population of the low risk group, nuclear radiation can trigger cancer risk in some years. However, this also depends on the length of the exposure and the type of radioactive nuclear reactors was issued.
Some types of radioactive material is easily absorbed and survive. For example, Iodine to be directly absorbed by the thyroid gland or strontium bone that will go. Other types of radioactive tritium, will be quickly removed the body.
To prevent the dangers of radiation, the Government of Japan has given a pill of potassium iodine which can neutralize the effects of iodine was with how to prevent the thyroid gland to absorb iodine. However, according to Brenner, iodine can enter the human body through a variety of ways, i.e. air or food is exposed to radiation.
"Radioactive iodine does not have to go into the body directly. Iodine in the air could be absorbed into the ground then the cattle grazing the land exposed to radiation. Then humans eat meat or dairy cows, "he said.
Therefore he argues idodide potassium pills less effective in preventing thyroid cancer caused by nuclear radiation. "Epidemic of thyroid cancer on victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant could have been prevented if the Government immediately banned its citizens drink cow's milk or eat the fruit that grows from the ground are exposed to radiation," he said.
Children aged less than 18 years of age, babies, as well as the fetus inside the content is the most risky Group on radiation exposure because the cells in the body they are still active splitting.
1. According to the website of Alternate sources of energy, nuclear radiation is emitted through the space and physical objects of a type of electromagnetic waves: radio waves, infrared, visible light waves, the waves of ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays. According to the U.s. nuclear Setting Commission (NRC), human beings continue to suffer nuclear radiation from natural sources and human-made without ill effects. However, high doses of radiation, or continuous exposure to lower doses, can affect human health.
High Dose
2. high-dose radiation Exposure — at least 80 brake-kill human cells, damaging the tissues and organs immediately. Response of Anatomy, referred to as "acute radiation syndrome," seen in many of the victims of the atomic bomb in 1945 and approximately 134 plant workers and firefighters in Chernobyl, Ukraine, site of the disaster of the world's worst nuclear power plant. Of the 134 workers, exposure number 80 brake for brake 1600 killed 28 within three months of the accident. Exposure to100 brake can damage the lining of the stomach, disrupting function of the water and nutrient intake. Immune system support the damage at the level of exposure to 300 rem, subjecting the subject to infection and disease, and exposure of 400 rem and above is expected to kill 50 percent of the subjects within 60 days after exposure, mainly caused by the infection.
3. low doses
Exposure to lower doses of radiation from nuclear-less than10 brake-can have a cumulative effect in human cells. Although there is no damage immediately visible at the level of dosage, keeps the relationship for a long time can change the cell structure usually takes five to 20 years for considerable changes occurred, with the main health issue to become a cancer and genetic mutations are abnormal. Gene-modified radiation can cause was born dead, congenital abnormalities, infant mortality, decreased weight birth and death of children. the genetic effects caused by exposure to radiation can be transmitted to children who are exposed to, or can affect children born several generations later. Exposure to nuclear radiation is five times more likely to cause cancer of the genetic changes. There is no evidence of a genetic mutation found in offspring of Hiroshima or Nagasaki Atomic bomb victims.
Non-Cancer Diseases
4. According to a 1998 study of Radiation Effects Research Foundation in victims of the atomic bomb, a number of diseases caused by exposure to radiation noncancer, too. The study found a higher incidence of hypertension and myocardial infarction, cancer, diseases of the thyroid not cataracts, chronic liver disease, kidney and uterus, urinary tract disease in subjects of study, as compared with individual nonexposed. Although the causal relationship between exposure to radiation and heart disease have proven, evidence linking exposure to radiation and other diseases are largely fixed stats.
Source: Compass Health
Anshary Kurniawan