There are several factors you need to pay attention as the cause of the onset of cancer.
Hormones, Emotions and some other factors.
These factors are very influential or could be a trigger for the onset of cancer
Psychiatric, Emotional Or Psychic Factors
Disorders that occur on emotions can cause cancer or such as stress, revenge, hatred, or hurt (pain). Try to think positively with all events that you receive. Positive thinking of all the words that conveyed to others. The role of the psychiatric factor in cancer can be through a number of ways, including: stress or revenge which influenced the development of the cell into the wild and the effect that weaken the immune system T cells so that not being able to destroy cancer cells that are formed.
Hormonal Risk Factors
The hormone estrogen can serve as a trigger for certain cancers, such as breast cancer and endometrial cancer. Women who have menstrual periods have high levels of estrogen, thus increasing the risk of the formation of breast cancer in women who experience early menopause menstrual periods and achieve slower. Too late to contain or not have children can increase the risk of breast cancer.
Hormones that are protective of the formation of cancer are:
The hormone progesterone is protective against cancer by inhibiting estrogen stimulation effects. The hormone progesterone increases during pregnancy and while breastfeeding in women, women who are breastfeeding for at least 6 months of successive-also, the woman became pregnant several times, will reduce the risk of affected by breast cancer.
Various kinds of cancer causes and the symptoms you need to know:
Brain Cancer
Headaches are very early in the day and eased at midday, epileptic seizures, weakness, numbness in the arms and legs, difficulty walking, sleepy, abnormal changes in vision, personality changes, changes in memory, the tough talk.
Oral cancer
There are aphthous ulcer in the mouth, the tongue and gums are not never recovered.
Cancer Of The Throat
Coughing continuously, voice hoarse or raucous.
Lung cancer
Continually coughing, phlegm mixed blood, pain in the chest.
Breast Cancer
The lump, thickening skin (tickening), change shape, itching, redness, pain not related to breastfeeding or menstruation.
Cancer of the digestive tract
There is blood in the feces that is marked with a red light or black, bad taste continually on the stomach, lump in the abdomen, the pain after eating, weight loss.
Cancer of the womb (uterus)
Bleeding diperiode-period of the coming months, spending the blood when the mens is not as usual and incredible pain.
Cancer of the Ovary (ovaries)
On phase information then appear symptoms.
Colon Cancer
Bleeding in the rectum, there is blood in the feces, a change in bowel movements (diarrhea that continuously or difficult defecation).
Cancer of the bladder or Kidneys
There is blood in the urine, pain or burning when urinating, intensity or difficulty in urination, pain in the bladder.
Prostate cancer
Piss is not smooth, continuous pain in the back, waist and thighs over the penis.
Scrotal cancer/testis
The bump on scrotal, the size of the shelter on scrotal enlarged and thickened removals, pain in the stomach, the chest is enlarged or melembek.
Enlarged lymph glands, chewy like gum, itching, sweating in the night's sleep, fever or weight loss without obvious cause.
Pale, chronic fatigue, weight loss, often subject to infections, easily hurt, pain in bones and joints, nosebleed.
Skin Cancer
Bumps on the skin resembling warts (hardens like a horn), an infection that does not heal, the spots change color and size, the pain in a certain area, change the skin color of spots.
Complications that often occurs in patients with cancer is infection of the person with cancer in advanced stage. Infection occurs due to a lack of protein and other nutrients as well as the Suppression of the immune system that often occurs after conventional treatment.
Source: From Various Source