Blood cancer disease characterized by the existence of two things that stand out, namely abnormal cell growth and cell growth in the number of the lot. On cancer of the blood, the abnormal growth of cells, usually white blood cells are less mature and in large numbers. This growth led to emphasis the growth of other blood cell types including chips blood (platelets) that result in the sufferer often bleed.
To understand this, please note that the cells of the blood was originally derived from one type of cells called stem cells (stem cells). Stem cells will develop into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets-platelets. The growth of one type of cell could result the emphasis the growth of other cells. That is why on cancer of the blood, discovered condition anemia (decreased red blood cell) and thrombocytopenia (platelets are decreased).
Cancer of the blood as other cancer diseases has not known the cause for sure. Several factors are indeed often touted as a predisposing factor such as a history of exposed to radiation which is quite high (after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many people affected by cancer of the blood), the exposure by certain chemical substances, or infected with a virus (HTLV I and II), and others.
Treatment of this disease depends on the type of blood cancer, staging, and the condition of the patient. Treatment of the disease is mainly composed of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and antibiotics and supportive therapy (therapy given in accordance with the complaint and the signs that appear). With the treatment of the adekuat, the disease is curable, though her healing rate currently varies from 4 to 80%, depending on the type of blood cancer. Sometimes after recovering so many years, cancer of the blood it can relapse back. When this happens or if with the usual treatment is done less satisfactory results then can also be performed transplantation of stem cells (stem cells).
Actually, the body also has its own mechanism to cope with cancer of the blood, with life and desire to recover without any stress will help improve the durability of the patient to fight disease and in the end will help the healing.
Not a few instances, when cancer has reached a final stage, when doctors have given up, and the patient submits to God, after patients do treatment efforts, fruition outside human calculation. This according to the doctors to be implanted in patients with cancer of the blood is cured, seeks medical treatment and pray to the Lord.
Alternative medicine/traditional until recently there has been no evidence scientifically. However, when you will try, do in line with medical treatment and select traditional natural medicine. Logically this can probably help to provide healing by increasing the durability of the sufferer. If you would give this communicate your treatment with the treating physician. Never leave the medical treatment to switch to traditional medicine. Not least also the case, when the patient was hit by cancer then immediately seek treatment alternatives. But in the end the patient back to the treatment of medical conditions have been deteriorating and increasingly difficult to treat.